
Posts Tagged ‘fear of drowning’

What are you projecting to the Universe? You may want to ask yourself that, because the Universe reflects back to you what you project, and that is what occurs in your life.

You get what you project.

To give you an example from my own life: Lately all the men I’ve attracted have been unavailable. The last two guys I dated didn’t really want to be in a relationship, and took the first excuse that came up to get out of it. In between, I got to know a guy who kept coming up with excuse after excuse to break our plans to get together. All of these were short-lived and went nowhere, needless to say, because these men were in some way unavailable.

What do you project to the Universe?

The Universe is a mirror. The experiences you have are a reflection of your thoughts. In my case, I wasn’t ready to get seriously involved with anyone, and that was projected and reflected back to me in my attraction of unavailable men.

If you think of yourself as a victim, you will be a victim. You will attract to you experiences that allow you to materialize your thoughts. You don’t really want to be a victim, but that is what you are projecting. Have you ever known someone who had one bad thing after another happen to them? If someone believes they only have bad luck, then that’s what will find them. Our thoughts are very powerful, more powerful than we think they are.

Natalie Wood had a lifelong fear of drowning. She was focused on her fear of it. And as we all know, she died by drowning. Be careful what you turn your attention to, especially if it’s negative. Remember that the Universe is a mirror. You don’t want to bring those negative things into your experience.

Donald Trump, the self-made billionaire, at one point went bankrupt. But that was far from the end of him. His mindset has always been that of a winner, of a successful man, and that’s what he projects, even in bankruptcy. So even though he was down on his luck at one point in his life, he eventually found his success and fortune again. The bankruptcy wasn’t the end of him; it was just a blip on his radar screen, a temporary setback.

Mindset is important. But even more important is being aware of how we feel.

We may think we want one thing, we may say we want one thing, but if inside we fear we will never get it, then that feeling is what we are projecting to the Universe. You can think, “I want to be a racecar driver,” and you can tell everyone that is your dream. But if inside you don’t think it’s really possible or that you don’t have what it takes or that there are too many obstacles lying in your path, it’s not going to happen, because the lack of what you want is what you are projecting, not the dream becoming a reality.

Take a moment to think about your desires, your feelings, and your thoughts. What do you really want in life? Is that what you’re projecting? Because if you’re not getting what you want, you need to readjust your feelings and thoughts to match your desires.

The Universe is a mirror. You get what you project.

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